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Healthy Youth Network is excited to partner with Interval House of Hamilton on their “Beyond a Bystander” Program! (Formerly known as Be More Than a Bystander.)
Beyond a Bystander is a campaign that engages male leaders with community youth, to address gender-based violence by engaging in prevention strategies. Youth play an integral role in helping change the culture where women experience violence at nearly double the rate as men do; by raising awareness and learning safe tools to disrupt the cycle of gender-based violence.

In 2016, Interval House of Hamilton purchased the rights to Be More Than A Bystander and brought the program to The City of Hamilton through MentorAction.
Ways To Get Involved For February
Wear Purple Day – Feb 8, 2024 – WDHS
Show your support to end gender-based violence by wearing purple on February 8th. WDHS’s HEART team will be in the atrium over P3 & P4 with a purple-themed photo booth. Get your nails painted purple, get purple in your hair, pop on some purple heart sunglasses, and pose for the camera!
Why Wear Purple?

Valentine’s Cookie Decorating – Feb 14, 2024 – MacNab
Join MacNab’s HEART team in the caf over the lunch period on Valentine’s for cookie decorating. Share red flags and green flags in a healthy/unhealthy relationship and receive a Hershey kiss!

The Dating Game – Feb 14, 2024 – WDHS
Join WDHS’s HEART team in the library pit over P3 & P4 on Valentine’s for a fun blind dating game.
Ask a question of 4 contestants, choose which you would go on a date with, and tell us which answer was a total ick!

Taylor Swift Friendship Bracelet Making – Feb 21, 2024 – WDHS
Join WDHS’s HEART team for friendship bracelet making over P3 & P4 in room 1084. We’ll listen to Taylor Swift while making bracelets, and play a game of Jeopardy with questions relating to Taylor Swift and healthy relationships!
There are only 30 spots available per period to sign up and attend. Sign up with friends or solo and we’ll organize Jeopardy teams at the start of the period. Register here.
The Dating Game – Feb 22, 2024 – MacNab
Join MacNab’s HEART team in the second half of the caf over lunch for a fun blind dating game.
Ask a question of 4 contestants, choose which you would go on a date with, and tell us which answer was a total ick!

Why Is Beyond a Bystander Important To Us?
Studies have shown that younger women were most at risk of violent victimization, according to both police-reported and self-reported victimization data. The risk generally decreases as women age.
Therefore, the importance of Beyond a Bystander is integral to creating systemic change, starting with our youth who are the age group most at risk.
The police-reported rate of violent crime against women aged 15 to 24 was 42% higher than the rate for women aged 25 to 34, and nearly double the rate for women aged 35 to 44.
Teen dating violence happens to both young women and men, although females between 15 to 19 experience 10x more violence in relationships than young men.
1 of every 3 Canadian women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
20% of Canadian teens reported being survivors of physical dating violence.
Over 300 women & children are turned away from shelters daily because there aren’t enough shelter beds.
For more stats, information, resources and support on gender-based violence.
FAQ’s & Resources
How can I be more than a bystander?
- Start by raising awareness of the campaign, wearing purple on Wear Purple Day!
- Speak out when you see something wrong.
- Take a look here for “16 ways to end gender-based violence”
What if I see or know someone else being harmed?
- Never put yourself in harms way
- Ask if they need help
- Get a trusted adult – parent, teacher, security
- Tell the person to stop
- Share resources with them
Where do I find resources?

Interval House of Hamilton: Provides emergency shelter, safety planning and support services for women who have experienced abuse or violence.
24/7 support line: 905-387-8881

The Woman Abuse Working Group (WAWG): A coalition of more than twenty agencies in Hamilton, Ontario working to end violence against women. Working with community and government agencies, individuals, survivors and consumers, who are committed to the eradication of violence against women and their children. Click here for resources and toolkits.
Assaulted women’s GTA crisis hotline: 416-863-0511

SACHA of Hamilton: A sexual assault centre providing a 24 hour support line, counselling, diverse communities outreach program, and public education.
905-525-4162: 24 hour phone line available in over 300 languages.